35Keys “Rather Be” *** Exclusive Producer/Artist Interview for Debut Single!!!*** -Music Video Included!-

BTM: 35Keys! We are glad we could finally catch up with you! Tell the people what made you choose the name 35Keys for those that don’t know.

35Keys: Well In 2012, I remember feeling very out of touch. I started to get a little more serious about music and wanted a name for myself. People often would say, “Hey Alicia,” and it was a little annoying, so I decided on 35Keys. In addition, my dad was 35 that year so kind of just used that.

BTM: That’s pretty creative on how your name originated. How long have you been writing music and playing the piano?

35Keys: I started playing the piano at age 6, but I feel like it was before that. I want to say I started off writing poems and that shifted to writing music. I have always had a love for words and music, but didn’t fully know how to song write.

BTM: At what moment did you realize that it’s time to take your music to the next level and start releasing it?

35Keys: I knew literally since I was a kid! I was scared even with my voice, so I would make musical compositions and that was it. Music became my outlet when I was emotional, so I kind of stuck with it in private. I was told to pay my dues as if I needed permission to make my own music, and the more time passed, I didn’t like this rule. I remember having a bad experience at home with my dad and really started writing music. I am older now and I’ve learned so much about myself and the power of my music! It’s time now for sure. People need it and I need it.

BTM: Do you get a lot of requests to play songs on the piano? If so, what are some of the ones you love and hate?

35Keys: I get requests all the time! I love playing “Ribbon In The Sky” by Stevie Wonder! I personally hate playing “If I Ain’t Got You” by Alicia Keys! People act like that’s the only song by her.

BTM: Who are some of your musical influences?

35Keys: I have so many musical influences, but the most influential has been Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Alicia Keys, Robert Glasper, Donny Hathaway, Erykah Badu, and Take 6!

BTM: Where do you see yourself 5 years from now musically?

35Keys: I see myself traveling the world performing my music! I can honestly say I know I have something so beautiful to share with the world and it will be life changing.

BTM: If you could collaborate with any commercial artist, who would it be?

35Keys: If I could collaborate with any artist it would be Alicia Keys. I say her, because my view of her goes deeper than when we play the same instrument. Alicia has been an artist and unique storyteller to me since I was a kid and I feel like we would create something legendary.

BTM: So if Alicia Keys were to read this right now, how would you make that happen in 140 characters or less?

35Keys: Alicia Keys, if you come across this, know that I’ve been watching you my whole life and I know for certain we would create pure magic. My love for storytelling came from you being unapologetically yourself, and it helped me grow in so many ways. I hope to meet you and work with you & let our vibes do the rest!

BTM: You have a wide range of vocal ability. On that note, do you ever sing back up?

35Keys: I have done some background work in church, but it’s honestly something I would love to do. I feel I have a pretty low tone and when I spend time with a song, I create some dope stuff.

BTM: It’s definitely important to get the creative process going. What are one of your most memorable moments so far in your new career?

35Keys: One of my most memorable moments so far has been recording my song “Rather Be”. It makes me literally cry, because it is just surreal to me. It is amazing to hear my song in my car speakers or people I have shared it with stuck with the song in their head. It is crazy to know that I experienced, and still experience that song, and today I actually believe I am going to be happy. I am going to become and get my happiness.

BTM: The recording process can be a true roller coaster. Speaking of Rather Be, what is the song all about, and what inspired it?

35Keys: I had a breakdown in 2018 where I was going through so much hardship in my life. This year was bittersweet because I just graduated high school and I felt like crap. I was going through pure hell with my father and I just felt like I couldn’t get a break. Depression hit me really hard and I just didn’t want to be here on Earth anymore. Truly I was afraid to take my life. My grandma kept saying God wouldn’t forgive me if I took my life, please don’t do that. It’s funny when I look back because the same people who were hurting me, gained a little compassion towards them. I can now say those people also, Rather Be, and they were stuck. I thought about what I was feeling and what a few people who felt that I was sad were telling me, and said, I would just rather be happy. It’s vague but with time I have learned what makes me happy and what doesn’t, and I know that this song will be a universal anthem.

BTM: Mental health is a serious issue we are dealing with now. We’re glad that you made it out stronger than ever! As a survivor of a crisis, what would your advice be to someone who might be dealing with mental health problems who is going through tough times?

35Keys: I would say that if you are dealing with any, talk about it what you are feeling! Not just to your peers, but seek professional help. Yes, trauma feels lonely but I want you to know that you are not alone. Keep fighting for your life, set boundaries, and take care of yourself.

BTM: That is amazing advice! We couldn’t agree more! It’s crazy that with all that you had going on in your personal life, that you were able to create Rather Be. Was Rather Be your first song ever written? How did you know this was the song to release?

35Keys: Rather Be is not my first song, but it was the first song for me as an artist. I call it “Beginning With the End In Mind ”. I feel it’s an accurate feeling of me currently and a great introduction of me as an artist. Mental-health and true feelings are often pushed aside due to the fear of what others will think. I plan to change that.

BTM: What is your favorite lyric from the song?

35Keys: My favorite line from the song is,
“I don’t want to close my eyes and come to find that time didn’t rewind, it only slipped away from me.”
Life is short and I find myself often saying, “What am I doing?!?” I have a lot of dreams and wants for myself and I have to use my time how I want but wisely.

BTM: With all that has been going on in your life, what was the process like on creating the song?

35Keys: This song was hard work! I went through so much in terms of producers, recording, mixing and mastering and it drove me crazy. I learned so much though, like who not to work with and about the music business.

BTM: What has been the biggest challenge for releasing your first single?

35Keys: The biggest challenge was worrying if the final production would sound good. This song is my baby! I am so sensitive about it all! I really went on an emotional rollercoaster with this song.

BTM: Are you open to remixing Rather Be, and if so, who would you like to hear on it?

35Keys: That’s a hard one! I haven’t really thought about a remix, but I have had two people ask.

BTM: Are you really into the social media scene, and if so, how do you infuse your music with it?

35Keys: I used to be heavy with it, but I started new accounts everywhere and I must say it is not easy. I try to put covers up so people can see a glimpse of what I do, but the algorithm has changed. I plan to make my page strictly about me and my art this year.

BTM: Are you working on anymore projects?

35Keys: I am working on my first EP titled “Darkest Hours”- 1312. You can go to www.35keys.com for more information!

BTM: Where can everybody get Rather Be?

35Keys: Now available on Spotify, Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, Instagram/Facebook, TikTok, Youtube Music, Pandora, iHeart Radio, and all other streaming platforms! Request it on iHeart radio or any radio station!!

BTM: Any shout outs before the interview concludes?

35Keys: I like to shout out everyone that contributed to this song/project:
Sub-Background Vocals Arranger-Leesa Richards
Recording Engineer-Jasmati
Mixing/Mastering Engineer-Tucky For BigTmusic
Pictures: Blondel Garcon
Makeup: Shanell Artistry
Assistance: Soundboyinc
Video Crew: Sabrina, Deon, Gabby, Jada and Brady.
And, Special thank you to Lisette! I appreciate you all!

Follow 35Keys on all social media platforms @35keys !!!

35Keys official website: www.35keys.com

All music provided on this page was provided by the free public domain platform called YouTube.com


About BigTmusic

CEO of BigTmusic.com // Recording Engineer // Project Manager/Director

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