-RIP- Chris Strother aka Stro Corleone {BigTmusic.com}

Our deepest sorrows go out to the family of Christopher Strother, aka Stro Corleone.  Chris lost his life just hours short of his 31st birthday (March 15, 1986 – March 14, 2017) due to senseless violence.  Our prayers go out to his family as he will truly be missed.

Chris was a celebrated football and track & field star in Carol City High School (Miami, FL) which allowed him to continue playing football at high level at a D1 college, Delware State University.  Off the field, he was an amazing father who was raising a son who is routinely on the honor roll and causing haveck on the football fields as well.  Chris was also a very popular rapper in Dade County who went by the name Stro Corleone.

As a recording artist, he was one of the most talented rappers we’ve come across here at BigTmusic.com.  He was a regular at our studios and was an amazing artist to work with.  In the years of us working with him, we watched him grow rapidly as an artist to the point where he was able to get a placement under Rick Ross’s artist’s, Gun Play, for artist development.  Stro Corleone’s music and videos that can be found online via multiple websites.  He was featured on Worldstar HipHop’s in the Field: Miami Edition, spitting a dope freestyle (around the 41:50 mark).  The video is below.

RIP Chris Strother aka Stro Corleone!  You will be missed!



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CEO of BigTmusic.com // Recording Engineer // Project Manager/Director

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