Throw back mixtape from North Miami Beach rapper Black Opt that we recorded/mixed. A true classic for the serious hip hop heads out there from one of the best battle rappers to come out of NMB.This project had a strong run in the streets of Miami. “Back 2 Bizniss” was labeled as an underrated classic by many. Listen below.
Interesting Facts About This Project:
*Recorded in 2006, released in 2007.
*This was the last complete project we did solely on Cool Edit Pro.
*This CD was played for Benzino at his recording studio and he was amazed by the quality and the lyrical content.
*This CD was an enhanced CD (interactive CD-ROM) that contained exclusive videos, pics and unreleased songs.
*Black Opt used to go by Black Optmist, with the “i” intentionally left off the Optmist because of the uniqueness.
*We produced tracks 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 22